Hi! I’m Sami.

I am a movement educator, somatic coach and dancer in St Pete, FL.

Supporting people in reclaiming their creativity and embodied autonomy is my passion. I believe that deep, meaningful embodiment is our birthright, and reclaiming this is an integral ingredient to our healing. Each time we intentionally occupy our bodies, we get to make creative choices about how we want to show up in the world.

My training includes yoga therapy, movement analysis, dance composition and pilates. I have seen these practices give hope, joy, and presence to others, and this inspires me to share. I believe that our movement practices should be nurturing and fun, and bring an attitude of lightness and accessibility to my teaching.


Einstein said, “look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.” 

It is my belief that we are a part of nature, not separate from it. When we look into the natural world, it is easy to admire the intricate symmetry and geometry of flowers, insects and tree roots. The study of human anatomy reveals to us that this sacred geometry exists in our bodies too. Creative embodiment practices offer a way for us to get to know and celebrate our body’s natural intelligence. 


Somatics is a big part of the work that I do. It is the lens that informs my teaching and it provides a way to know ourselves on deeper levels.


B.Sc. Psychology - University of Florida

B.A. Dance - University of Florida

800-Hour Yoga Therapy Training - Embodied Health

Kane School Mat Pilates - Body Center St Pete

Dance in Medicine Certificate - University of Florida

500-Hour Registered Yoga Instructor - Kardiya Yoga

Anatomy in Action: Functional Awareness for Dancers - Nancy & Allegra Romita

Yoga Nidra Certification - Yogani

My work is informed and inspired by great writers, thinkers & artists like Clarissa Pinkola Estés, sonya renee taylor, Brené Brown & Peggy Hackney.

Photos by Sorcha Augustine & Gaby Rosa