What if it was just for pleasure?

Maybe you can relate to this: I am a person with a lot of creativity and a lot of ambition. Sometimes my ambition takes the form of perfectionism and crowds the space that belongs to my creativity - which requires open containers of time and non-attachment to results. These two parts of myself sometimes fight for time, space and attention. In my creative business, these conflicting parts can make me feel burnt out. 

Recently, a mentor said to me "what if it could just be for pleasure?" regarding my business. Something inside of me lit up when I heard this. I knew we were on to something. 

Because - hear me out - this perspective shift - letting it be for pleasure, for my own enjoyment - creates space for ambition and creativity to coexist. My ambition knows that all of my best work comes when I am connected to my creativity. And I am most connected to my creativity when I have space - to breathe, be and enjoy the process. In order to create my best work, ambition knows I need to be connected to my pleasure. Creativity likes this, and everyone wins. 

Because after all, I do this shit because I like it.

So this is what Iā€™m leaning into. Creating just for pleasure. Sharing what feels good. Sharing when it feels good. Offering myself my own compassionate grace, and trusting that creativity and motivation will show up when I do this. 

What is something in your life that has lost some creative spark to perfectionism? Can you call it back, remember why you do the thing in the first place? Let yourself be lit up? 


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